Hoaxes, Pranks, Scams, & Mischief
Gympie Pyramid Hoax
Marble Man
Lake Cootharaba Ruins
Great Moon Hoax
2014 A selection of hoaxes and pranks from around the world
Ern Malley Hoax
F.A. Mitchell Hedges
2013 A selection of hoaxes and pranks from around the world
Alabama's Monster Pig Hoax, one year later Consequences of infamous youth pig kill still being played out
Playing the Ghost
2016 A smaller selection of hoaxes and pranks from around the world
Ozenkadnook Tiger
(coming soon)
Ghostwatch: The BBC spoof that duped a nation
It was billed as a drama, but many of Ghostwatch's 11 million viewers were taken in
by the BBC's fake investigation, which in one tragic case led to a teenager taking his own life. On its 25th anniversary, his parents
and the creator of the show talk about its impact...