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Storytelling & the Yowie
Yowie / Bigfoot
What is the extent of fantasy and storytelling when it comes to the Yowie? Can claims simply be made-up? Can such fabrications become accepted and promoted as 'fact'? To what lengths will storytellers and their supporters go in order to preserve their fantasies?
I have recently become aware that I have been the subject of some vicious rumours circulating among my fellow monster-hunters. A year or so ago I heard that I had been successfully sued for slanderdefamation by some "Yowie-researcher" in the Blue Mountains but simply laughed that off as blatantly false. Recently I learned that I had been caught out numerous times(and charged) for stalking some other local "Yowie-researcher" - also false. 
Who would start such vile rumours and who would circulate claims that are demonstrably false? Do people not bother to check things? Welcome to the strange world of "Yowie-research" where fiction becomes reality for those who really believe. 
What follows is the story behind the story of my inquiries into the Yowie phenomenon.
Yowie-Hunters is a group of friends supposedly conducting a research into the Yowie mystery. Having an interest in the Yowie, I had been a member of that forum but was removed when I began to question claims and evidence - apparently a no-no. However, I continued looking further and an inquiry I made in 2009 into claims of a "Yowie attack" revealed some obvious examples of fakery and storytelling from the Yowie-Hunters founder, Dean Harrison.
Having not been a member of the forum since 2009 I was surprised to receive a private message (PM) from someone I didn't know on the Yowie-Hunters forum:
To check the message I would have to log in so the next day I simply applied for a new password and was doubly surprised that a new one was granted:
Alas, the PM which I had received was meant for someone else - I had erroneously received it. I simply logged back out and didn't put much thought into the matter.
While conducting some armchair-research on Saturday 22nd of September (2013) I came across a thread entitled "Cryptomundo And Our Number One Fan= NW" from 2011 tucked away in the "Off the Topic" section of the Yowiehunters forum in which cryptozoological author, Mike Williams, made some extraordinary comments both about me and the "Yowie attack" claims that I had investigated in 2009. These needed to be responded to and rectified so the next day I logged back onto the Yowiehunters forum and posted the following under "NW Responds":
Note: the URL for this thread was correct at the time of publication.
Yowieocalypse  has archived Williams' comments here.
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:25 pm
 I just recently came across this thread – Cryptomundo And Our Number One Fan= NW (viewtopic.php?f=58&t=3847) and would like the opportunity to respond in part since I am the subject (my name is Ed Skoda and I write online under the username “Night Walker”).

Mike Williams:
“There was no "evidence" either way..what part of that does NW not get.”
“There is no evidence that anything 99.99999999 % of all "encounters" with these creatures..”

Sure there is – photos of bruising which does not match the described “Yowie attack” and a cast of a supposed Yowie footprint that is distinctly similar to Harrison’s own foot.

Original pics of bruising posted on Cryptomundo -
Original pics of supposed Yowie footprint cast is on this very forum - viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1482
My analysis -

Mike Williams:
“Witness one said he saw the eyes/heard the footsteps and sensed the dread....
Witness 2 claimed the glowing eyes were his because his eyes had cataracts and they glow under torchlight .which then morphed into ....that he was actually a shapeshifter who could be in many places.
It was Mr cataracts shifting through time and space and appearing to everyone in a different location.”

I am unaware of these claims hence they are not in my analysis– care to back them up with any documentation? Where did these amazing revelations come from? Harrison? Do you believe Harrison without question, Mike?

Mike Williams:
“He started his line of communication with Dean with words to the effect of "admit your a liar to me or I wll do an article telling the world you are a liar"
Thats honest research is it tiger.?”

It seems that you DO believe Harrison without question, Mike – the assertion "admit your a liar to me or I wll do an article telling the world you are a liar" doesn’t even make sense, is poorly spelled, and above all is simply false. Here is how I started my communication with Dean:

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 9:32 AM SKODA
storytelling_and_the_yowie001005.jpg storytelling_and_the_yowie001004.jpg storytelling_and_the_yowie001003.jpg storytelling_and_the_yowie001002.jpg
Mike Williams
And what was the response from the "honest researchers" over at Yowiehunters? Once again remove the questioner and delete the entire thread...
Evidence from Harrison's "Yowie Attack".
Strangely, such things are not considered evidence by Mike Williams.
Mr. Harrison,

I am in the process of writing an analysis of your alleged "yowie attack" (2 January, 2009) for publication on a crypto-website and syndication to several others. There is already enough information available via your AYR website, forum, and subsequent interviews however I would like to offer you the opportunity to present any further information - clearer pictures of the evidence, medical records (if applicable), other expert opinions, etc. - for consideration.

Furthermore, I am available to conduct a one-on-one interview at your convenience if you feel you have anything else which needs to be added or clarified.

Finally, I request permission to study the footprint casts independently. Arrangements for reimbursement of postage costs and the length of time needed can be organised in future correspondence should you agree to this request.

Thank you for your time.


Ed Skoda

I would be happy to release the entire email conversation. Do I have your permission to do so, Dean, or would you like to retract this false claim?

What were you saying about “honest research”, Mike?
This is not the first time Harrison and Williams have teamed up in order to concoct false stories...