International Sea Serpent Reports
The Hobart Town Courier (Tas.)
Date: November 8, 1833
Page Number: 4
A new and very curious animal has recently been discovered in Davies straits, by Capt. Sawyer, of the ship Harmony, of Hull. It is a kind of sea serpent and the specimen now found which is deposited with the Royal Society is about 4 feet Cinches in length. But what renders it remarkable, is the great size of its mouth and the large inflated nature of the fore part of its body (about one-third). It forms a kind of sack 20 inches in length and 4 inches wide, or from 10 to 12 in circumference. It seems to be intended by nature as a float, for the animal has no fins whatever nor tongue.
Strange Animals
International Sea Serpent
Davis Strait 1826
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From "The Farrier and Naturalist", vol. 1, January 1828.