The Naked Yowie Project
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Ed, Editor of Yowieocalypse

aka:        Night Walker

               The Wild Man of Clear Mountain 

 ** Investigations resolved
  or your BOGEY back free
Last known photograph
of the Wild Man.
This is a personal quest into the mysteries that inspired my childhood with a particular focus on the Yowie, Australia's Bigfoot. A labour of love since 2009/2010 -- no sponsors, no merchandise for sale, not cencerned about 'likes'.

Yowieocalypse (version 1) was of mixed success. It is sloppy and disorganised and much of it remains unfinished. Cryptozoology is a massive subject to tackle and I simply bit off more than I could chew.

However, I did succeed in getting to the bottom of a couple of Yowie cases (a rare feat, apparently), published online the first ever image of the enigmatic historical figure H.J. McCooey, and finding the earliest documented use of the word "yowie" in indigenous culture (I think). I was even once mistaken for a Yowie myself. Fun times...

Yowieocalypse (v2.0) will focus more on writing online articles which examine specific events and ideas in greater depth. Perhaps I'll even have a go at explaining the Yowie phenomenon. The latest information in things I find interesting will still be tracked and shared.

This is serious research, seriously! Enjoy...

Native and western eyewitness testimony in cryptozoology
By J. Rabbit (2002)
In Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, edited by G.M. Eberhart. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, xxxv–xliii
--- 2021 ---
Yowieocalypse 2019 Vault
Yowie Year in Review - 2019 Part I: January to March
Yowie Year in Review - 2019 Part II: April to July
The True Legend of Toledo's Bigfoot
September, 2021
Bigfoot’s local origins can be traced back to a small group of fun-loving loggers from Toledo, Washington. Toledo resident Don Buswell, 95, said the tradition was started by a group of loggers and foresters up at Mount St. Helens as early as the 1930s. He said the young men got a kick out of scaring huckleberry pickers by leaving footprints in the snowmelt and soft, mountain pumice. The group came to call themselves the St. Helens Apes.
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Yowie hunter Jason Heal claims he has proof yowies exist in Perth bushland
9 September, 2021
Mr Heal believes governments know yowies exist but keep it on the down low because it would be bad for tourism. “If everyone knew they existed they wouldn’t go camping anymore,” he said. Mr Heal said the community of yowie hunters and believers is growing in Perth.
Oldest human footprints in North America found in New Mexico
24 September, 2021
The first footprints were found in a dry lake bed in White Sands National Park in 2009. Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey recently analyzed seeds stuck in the footprints to determine their approximate age, ranging from around 22,800 and 21,130 years ago. The findings may shed light on a mystery that has long intrigued scientists: When did people first arrive in the Americas, after dispersing from Africa and Asia?
The Thylacine That Wasn't
27 September, 2021
[I]t just shows why you must be so very, very careful when observing an unknown animal, and even more exact when questioning a witness.
The Legend of the Yowie
28 September, 2021
Located approximately 80km north-east of Hughenden and 140km south-west of Charters Towers, Burra Range is famous for the alleged night-time presence of a “Yowie” or hairy man creature. Numerous truckies I have spoken to won’t even stop there after dark for a piddle, let alone sleep there.
More than a myth: Bigfoot builds community and brings business to this Washington
28 September, 2021
The Marblemount conference is considered more of a “Woo” event. In the Bigfoot community, the term refers to the belief that Sasquatches are metaphysical beings. Although their physical descriptions of Bigfoot often match those of “apers” (another subset who believe the cryptids are variants of prehistoric apes), Woo proponents believe that the creatures also possess supernatural traits, such as shapeshifting and telepathy.
A Conceptual Matrix for Mapping Encounter Experiences
November, 2021
Individuals in the general population are known to report anomalous experiences involving encounters with seemingly autonomous paranormal ‘entities.’ These accounts resemble positive symptomatology in psychosis, but research suggests that these encounter experiences are consistent with a syndrome-type model that is rooted in known attentional, perceptual, and attributional processes.
Facebook Ads Told Me To Become a Certified Cryptozoologist, So I Did
12 November, 2021
How a sketchy online degree program led me on an IRL quest for legendary creatures during the pandemic.
Man Captures Horrifying 'Half-Man, Half-Dog' Creature That Stalked Him On Camera
21 November, 2021
"I wouldn't be putting myself out showing these photos if it was a fake, or I didn't know that there was actually something there. That's the main reason I came forward, I'm worried that someone's going to go missing or get hurt, and I'll have it in the back of my mind that I should have told someone about that."
Ranger Clifford Sunfly has just joined the exclusive night parrot club
27 November, 2021
Many people would consider Clifford Sunfly to be a lucky man, achieving in four years something others spend a lifetime searching for but never find. He recently became one of fewer than 20 people alive today to see the night parrot, considered to be one of the world's most mysterious birds.
We were confronted by a Bigfoot-like ‘Yowie’ apeman on our way home from work
14 December, 2021
Seamus Fitzgerald told The Courier Mail described the mysterious figure as having “very long arms” and an “apelike” face. He said: “We initially thought it was a boar or a really big animal until we got closer and saw it runoff in a very apelike way. “I’ve never really had a paranormal or strange experience like that before.”
mountain town
“None of Gilroy's alleged Cryptid footprints look at all like real footprints. I think they've been created by human hands. If you compare this alleged track to real fossil Dinosaur footprints you'll see that Gilroy's one looks totally fake, artificial, superficial and lacking in any and all detail. Same goes for the yowie prints he purports to have cast, by the way.”
Darren Naish - palaeontologist, author,
and science communicator